Exploring Innovations in Adult General Education and Vocational Training: Highlights from the Anglophone Community Expo 2024 Conference

DC - Collaboration DC - Personal and professional empowerment

In the landscape of adult general education and vocational training, staying abreast of innovative practices and technological advancements is key to empowering learners and facilitating…

Shifting Lenses: From My (Now) Consultant Self to (Former) Teacher Self.

Pedagogy - Teaching Strategies and Practices

I distinctly recall a conversation with the centre director during my tenure as a cooking teacher for the Lester B Pearson school board. She encouraged…

Building a Collaborative Class Website : Enhancing Learning Through Technology

DC - Collaboration DC - Digital resources for learning Pedagogy - Learning Activities Planning/ Courses Planning Pedagogy - Teaching Strategies and Practices

In each episode of the Voc Talk Cafe, we’ve decided to incorporate a segment where I share insights into technological approaches or pedagogical angles relevant…

Animated Avatars: Fun in Learning Activities and Feedback

DC - Communication DC - Content production DC - Innovation and creativity Pedagogy - Teaching Strategies and Practices

Have you ever wondered how to make your presence during online meetings or learning sessions more engaging and fun? In a recent episode of the…

Consultants Showcase Augmented Reality and Student Engagement Strategies

DC - Digital resources for learning DC - Innovation and creativity DC - Technological skills Pedagogy - Classroom Management Pedagogy - Differentiation in Teaching Pedagogy - Teaching Strategies and Practices

To promote the integration of technology in education, RÉCIT vocational training (RÉCIT VT) consultants James Burn and Marc Vézina presented workshops at the online Journée…

Vocational Training Shines Bright at JNÉ

(DC) Digital Competency DC - Personal and professional empowerment

Hundreds of Quebec educators gathered for a day of reflection and training for the Journée du numérique en éducation (JNÉ). Thanks to the consultants from…

Voc Talk Café on YouTube: Brewing Ideas and Discussions

DC - Collaboration DC - Personal and professional empowerment

Imagine a cosy café where the patrons are vocational training (VT) educators like you. Would you want to walk in and order, depending on your…

FCC 2023: Two Days of Professional Development for the RÉCIT Consultants

Pedagogy - Teaching Strategies and Practices

The annual gathering of RÉCIT (Réseau pour le développement des compétences par l’intégration des technologies) consultants, the Formation conjointe et collaborative, provided a stimulating platform…

JPNFP Teachers’ Innovation and Students’ Action

DC - Innovation and creativity DC - Personal and professional empowerment

The National Pedagogical Day of Vocational Training (Journée pédagogique nationale en formation professionnelle – JPNFP) is the primary event dedicated to the professional growth and…

Starting the Conversation: Digital Tools in Vocational Training

DC - Collaboration DC - Personal and professional empowerment Pedagogy - Tools and activities for students

Greetings, vocational educators! It is with great pleasure that I am opening this blog to discuss with you the use of digital tools for teaching…