Lesson Progress
0% Complete

You will complete the same step-by-step procedure live on VT.Procede.ca

Go back to the VT.PROCEDE.ca website from the browser tab you left open.  If you closed it by accident, you can access it again through this link: VT.PROCEDE.ca (vt.procede.ca/login) opens in another tab.  Complete the steps below: 

  • Step 1 – Look at the resources presented to you in the post Contributing to the Conversation
  • Step 2 – Choose one resource that you would like to use in your teaching
  • Step 3 – Start a new discussion by clicking on the blue ‘new post’ button
  • Step 4 – Write a post stating why you want to incorporate this resource into your teaching and ask your colleagues if they have teaching experiences or ideas about this resource.  Include the link to the resource in your post.
  • Step 5 – Post your entry

Once you have posted your thoughts, you have completed the activity.  You can move on to the debrief on the next page.