
Forum – Think of this as a virtual public bulletin board

Post – Think of this as the piece of paper you pin up on the bulletin board

Social networking – An online platform where you can create a public profile focusing on certain personal elements and establish connections with others

Social media – Similar to social networking, but more focused on communications and less on building a network.  Often known platforms have both capacities – PROCEDE’s provincial social networking platform, accessible to trade teachers, professional staff and administrators in the vocational education world in Quebec


The best resource to find out more is to ask your colleagues on the site! 

If you would like to know more about the website software, you can consult the BuddyBoss YouTube channel (

You can also learn more about PROCEDE and the resources offered on the website.

Course Job Aids

If you would like to have access to a visual reference to the step in the procedures that you have learned, please download this pdf and keep it handy as a quick guide.