Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Is there a test to pass this course?

Yes.  You now have a week to practice your skills on the VT.PROCEDE.ca site and in a week, you will be emailed your test.  It will take 10 minutes to complete, and you will be asked to perform a task that shows you can access the site, post in the discussion thread and reply to a request.  The link to the test will remain active for one week, but once you start your test, you will have to complete it.  Should you miss your window to complete the test, please email the address in the email for further instructions.

How do I get my digital badge?

Once you have finished your test, you need to be successful on all the tasks to receive your digital badge.  It will appear next to your avatar on the VT.PROCEDE.ca site.

Are there other courses in this series?

Yes!  This is the first of a series being developed to integrate digital literacy skills for the trades.  You can sign up for the PROCEDE newsletter to be notified when the next ones will be available.  Click here to sign up today! Procede.ca/newsletter

Almost finished!  Please advance to the final page to let us know about your experience.