QACVE needs YOU!

Hello everyone!

Have you heard that this school year is a QACVE conference year?  This bi-annual conference will be held on May 16 & 17, 2024 in Thetford Mines, and this is OUR conference – a place where VT teachers, consultants and administrators can come together and learn about teaching a trade.   We learn about preparing learning situations, evaluating performance, incorporating technology into teaching, and techniques to improve our teaching methods.  But let’s be honest – we really go to have a good time.  Chat, relax and laugh with each other.  We also love to network, hear about how our colleagues are teaching their trade, and share our reality.  This year, the QACVE conference organization committee is looking for teachers who would like to share some of the things that they are doing to inspire others, and applaud the great work you are doing to bring students to getting their diploma.  You can submit a workshop proposal or a poster session.  What’s the difference, you ask?  Well, a workshop is a 45 min interactive or hands on experience about a topic of interest in VT.  These happen in a room with a set number of participants.  On the other hand, a poster session is kind of like the science fairs of our youth – you prepare a poster with information about the topic you want to share, bring props, and set up at a small table.  All the posters are in a large room, and for an hour, people wander around and talk to you about your topic.  You can do either or, or both!  Worried about how much work it might be?  Get together with some colleagues and present together!  Many hands make light work!  Your network would love to hear about your tips & tricks to teaching your trade and connecting with students.  Click here to find out more and create a submission.  

The submission deadline is November 30, 2023.
