EPC-VT September 🍅 meeting summary

Pedagogy - Introduction to Education Pedagogy - Literacy Pedagogy - Reference

Hello everyone!  Here is a brief summary of our September 12 committee meeting. We welcomed new and returning committee members at September’s kick-off meeting.  After…

Voc Talk café by Après-cours – Welding

Pedagogy - Teaching Strategies and Practices

Hello there VT teachers! The Voc Talk Café is a place where you are invited to chat live about teaching a trade in today’s world.…

Voc Talk on VT.PROCEDE.ca!

Highlights vt.procede.ca

As we start our new school year, I want to welcome you to the new Voc Talk space, here in VT.PROCEDE.ca! 📯 Yay! 🎉 Exciting…