June 10, 2024  VOC TALK café – Interior Decoration and Visual Display

June 10, 2024  VOC TALK café –  Interior Decoration and Visual Display
On June 10, 2024, a VOC TALK café will be held, aimed at  Interior Decoration and Visual Display teachers.

The topic will be  Interior Design in the Age of Internet Creator Culture.


“Join the discussion on the evolving landscape of teaching and learning in Interior Decorating and Visual Display.  You are invited to share your perspective on today’s context of creativity, self-expression, viral trends, and community building on social media.  Come discus how you address the program goals of adaptability and entrepreneurialism in an age that enables monetization of digital social spaces.”

The café will begin at 3:00pm.  
Just click anywhere on the flyer to access the website.
You will also view the info sheet explaining the VOC TALK café.
If ever you would like to schedule an appointment with Robin, you may book a time on the link below:

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