EPC-VT September 🍅 meeting summary

Hello everyone! Here is a brief summary of our September 12 committee meeting.
We welcomed new and returning committee members at September’s kick-off meeting. After a brief member’s round table, we went over some of the loose ends from last year, asked for feedback on a few items, presented projects, and discussed what the group would like to focus on this year. Â
The group will look over and offer suggestions to last years’ missing items (Year-end report, PD needs of VT teachers report, and the Assessment in VT project) by next meeting. We discussed how the group would function this year, and the parameters around accessing the new teaching microprograms at specific universities, new teacher onboarding in different school boards, and a screening tool developed by SWLSB for VT teachers to situate student numeracy and literacy skills before their studies begin.  Some group members presented their new and evolving projects this year and asked for support: New Teacher Starting Skills courses, Pedago-Digital Guilds, Voc Talk Café by Après-cours, and contributions and sign-up to the RÉCIT VT newsletter here. This opened up to avenues where the group would like to work this year: New Teacher onboarding and collaboration on a cross-board project with the TechnoFAD grants. To share communications and encourage engagement with the larger network, this year we will be posting meeting summaries on the EPC-VT blog on VT.PROCEDE.ca.
As always, if you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to add them to the agenda using the comments feature, or reach out to a member!
Tentatively, our next meeting will be on October 17 at 9:00, but the date will be confirmed.
Have a great day!
📱👩‍🍳 Robin