EPC-VT May 🌷 Meeting

Hello everyone!

Here is a summary of our May meeting.

We finalized our analysis of PROCEDE’s communication spaces for VT and a summary will be included in the committee’s Year-End Report, which will be shared with the group as a draft before the next meeting.

We shared information about recent conferences that we attended. The Quebec Advisory Council on Vocational Education (QACVE) was appreciated for the workshops and the location and the time spent with each other.  The digital hub for QACVE is the group on VT.PROCEDE.ca and you can see the postings from participants sharing their experience.  The Table Nationale de Concertation et de Collaboration (TNCC) had many participants and the animators would like feedback on how to orient the collaboration requests.  The last few Voc Talk cafĂ©s before the summer break are coming up with a few special sessions with Barbara Flowers presenting the teacher resource she worked on over the year, Stepping Stones:  Journeying to Indigenous Cultural Awareness and Safety in Commerce Programs.  We discussed how one consultant’s experience with a professional learning community working on developing pedagogical material for 5880 Repurposing Medical Devices was beneficial to them and the group’s collective goal, and how this could be used as a model to develop material for other programs.  On the table were some centre-specific needs for teachers and evaluations, and the Services Éducatives ComplĂ©mentaires (SEC) reached out for some suggestions on what to present at JournĂ©e PĂ©dagogique Nationale en Formation Professionnelle (JPNFP).  Our final meeting for the year will be at the end of June or early July.

Thanks for your interest in the EPC-VT!

📱👩‍🍳 Robin
